IGTA Journal - Spring 2019

Luxemburg, Article: Boosting the Bots: the Next Step Towards Treasury Digitization. By Francois Masquelier, Chairman of ATEL, the Luxemburg IGTA Member Association, and Deputy Chairman of EACT, European Association of Corporate Treasurers, March 2019 ……………………………………………………………….page 19-27 Luxemburg, Article: Have We Made Enough Headway in Preparing to Abandon IBORS? By Francois Masquelier, Chairman of ATEL, the Luxemburg IGTA Member Association, and Deputy Chairman of EACT, European Association of Corporate Treasurers, April 2019 …………………………………………………………… page 28-32 Luxemburg, Article: EMIR Refit Draft Has Been Released. A Step Closer to a Revised EMIR… an EMIR2 By Francois Masquelier, Chairman of ATEL, the Luxemburg IGTA Member Association, and Deputy Chairman of EACT, European Association of Corporate Treasurers, March 5, 2019 …………………………………………………………… page 33-34 Sweden, Interview: “We are not expecting a weak first half year“ Interview with Mr. Carl Mellander , CFO Ericsson-Group, Sweden, from Börsen-Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, February 27, 2019, article provided by GEFIU, the Association of Chief Financial Officers Germany, the German IGTA member association. …………………………………………………………….…page 35-41 UK, Article: Putting the Market Right Why Central Banks Are Dovish and Advocating Patience By Kallum Pickering, a senior economist at Berenberg Bank, from The Treasurer, Cash Management Edition 2019, April 2019, magazine of ACT, Association of Corporate Treasurers, UK, the British IGTA Member Association ………………………………………………………………….page 42 IGTA eJournal | Spring 2019 | 3